Retype is a simple tool that lets you train passwords, so you don't forget them. It is motivated by passwords that are difficult to remember, but also rarely used.
How it works
Thanks to modern browser technologies, it functions completely offline, and no data is ever sent to any servers. Your passwords are processed and stored securely inside your browser.
A fundamental limitation of this design is that there is no way to synchronise these passwords to other devices, or even other browsers on the same device. If you want the same password on multiple devices, you have to manually add it on each one.
Why are passwords visible?
Due to technical limitations the password fields have to actually be normal text fields. Otherwise your browser, or an extension, might try to helpfully offer to generate and save the passwords for you. Usually this is a good thing, but for this very specific and niche use that behaviour is counterproductive.
Technical details
Technical details
Passwords are hashed using Argon2id with 19 MiB of memory, an iteration count of 2, and 1 degree of parallelism, as per OWASP recommendation. For the salt, the SHA-256 of the initially entered name is used. Argon2 is invoked via argon2-browser, which has compiled the official library into WebAssembly.
Open Source
Open Source
This project is open source (MIT) and has been built using these really cool projects.
- SvelteKit (MIT)
- Vite (MIT)
- Svelte (MIT)
- TypeScript (Apache-2.0)
- argon2-browser (MIT)
- SortableJS (MIT)
- sanitize.css (CC0-1.0)
- Harmony (MIT)
- Heroicons (MIT)
- Twemoji graphics (CC-BY-4.0)
- PostCSS (MIT)
- postcss-nesting (MIT-0)
- ESLint (MIT)
- Prettier (MIT)
made for my dad ❤︎